Thursday, May 3, 2007

Bored in the southeast

I find I am continually bored. There is not enough to keep me occupied. I try to get a project going to capture my attention - HGTV is a great inspiration for this! However, I seem to get so many ideas that I go shopping for materials and then I don't know which project to start first and I'm overwhelmed and end up doing nothing. Or, not really doing nothing, but doing bits and pieces here and there while accomlpishing nothing of any substance.

Unfortunately, this has eeked its way into my professional life as well. I go to work, late most days, and accomplish very little while there. I take work home and fail to do it. Thus, I am constantly behind and under stress when it is crazy because there is not enough rerally to occupy my time yet, I am bored and doing nothing. It is so silly yet, incapicitating.

I have been diagnosed with a weird ailment over the last few months, almost year actually. I do not have enough fluid in my body. One doc told me it is like running a car with a quart too little oil. The ramification of this is that I can faint if I stand or sit in one position for too long. Now isn't that a great malady for a preacher?! I also have palpatations from time to time which seem to randomly occur and go away as mysteriously as they came. Medication may or may not work. The most wonderful (sarcasm) part of this ailment is the mood swings and anxiety. I turn into a person I like none at all. I am anxious, irritable, and have no patience for anything. This is not the person I know myself to be. I asked the doc why all this is happening. Of course, who knows, right? Things happen. However, her response was that it is probably due to extreme stress I've experienced in the last year or so. My body and coping mechanisms have had enough and the result is what feels to me like a total meltdown. I pray for some resolve, or at least some support. I found a blog on the web for those with this autonomic disorder and it is totally depressing. The folks function very little. The slightest output of energy seems to totally drain them. Many are on disability. I cannot go there. I am a single woman making it on my own and there is no option of not being able to work and going on disability.
I am frustrated and feeling pretty isolated. I think the people who usually support me emotionally are getting tired of my saga. I guess I am on the pity pot today. Maybe tomorrow will be better!


Unknown said...

I hope it will be better! Is there a treatment suggested? I've sent you an e-mail about RevGals. Let me know if you need further help!

RevDari said...

I have had much trouble with the internet, my computer (I think it might be crashed beyond repair thanks to a new Internet Explorer update), thus I have not responded to you.

Thanks for your email. I will try the RevGalBlogPal code again shortly. I am on m,y secretary's computer this afternoon while all is quiet and we are not stumbling over each other!

Songbird, I am on all sorts of meds for various manifestaations of this thing. It is frustrating. Friday I was with a doc who suggested I take a month (at least) of medical leave to get settled and restore my energy. She also suggested I go to a clinic in Birmingham, AL that specializes in this ailment. It is called Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome or Dysautonomia. Basically all things mediated by the autonomic nervous system go awry. It is great fun!!! Some days are better than others. The whole ordeal may resolve itself, or worst case I will end up totally unable to function in a few years. I'm praying for the earlier option!

Thanks for your blog help and the inquiry regarding my health.